2011年5月10日 星期二

Sony Bravia:)

Today I want to introduce a series of commercials about "Sony Bravia".BRAVIA is a Sony brand used to market its high-definition LCD televisions.The BRAVIA name is an acronym of "Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture". (fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRAVIA)

These commercials are all colorful and magnificant. What's more, they are famous for high technic to make all these film and  also aroused many discussions on the web.

I like these commercials very much. The best thing I think is that they made the commercials more warm and successfully caught people's eye!

2011年5月3日 星期二


Today I want to introduce an interesting website called” Thefuntheory”. It has lots of cool ideas which tend to change people’s behavior for better and the most important part is that people who try hard to make the thoughts come true at the same time make things fun. We can see that during their operation, people also be curious about the whole new things and indeed change things that they got used to.

This is my favorite experiment! The whole idea is very clear--the experimenters wanted people to do more stair climbing instead of taking the escalator all the time. Therefore, they made a big piano on the stair just besides the escalator and recorded people's reactions. Interestingly, we can found people love this facility very much. Once they tread on another stair, the” piano” will make different sound! It is interesting, isn’t it?

There are still many fascinating experiment, if you are interested in, just go to their website: http://www.thefuntheory.com/
You won’t be disappointed! :D

2011年4月26日 星期二

Amazing Illustrator:D

Recently, I have done an assignment that is made through “Adobe Illustrator”. (It’s really a cool and helpful Graphic design software!)

The story is about my life in the last semester(991) when I first become a journalist (reporter) in 《大學報》.There were so many things happened to me, some were fun, some were crazy and stupid. Though it was really a hard time for many people (including me), I still be proud of finishing the whole things that we have to do. (like interviewing, writing and editing news videos by ourselves) That’s a very special experience in my life, I think I’ll remember all these memories in my whole life!:D

In the end, I want to share a nice song " Life is wonderful" by Jason Mraz.
He is one of my favorite singer! Hope you enjoy this song:D

2011年4月11日 星期一

Just mutter : about the wallpaper

Being a college student, the best thing I think is that we have lots of leisure time to do what we love to do. Just make your own choice and enjoy the feeling of freedom! 

 For me, there isn’t so much stress about the academic performance as high school student. I can happily hang around the campus or go to the library to find some interesting books. I enjoy and cherish every moment to get alone with myself. 

For example, I like drawing and taking pictures and I usually spend my free time doing these things.There are some works I made that I’d love to share, just for fun! :D

In the beginning, I took a picture and made a wallpaper. However, it came to me that I can make my computer become a more different one. Because some of my friends have “Macbook” (Produced by Apple ) , one of the characteristic it has is that its toolbar is located in the bottom of the wallpaper, I rearrange the traditional toolbar to imitate Mac’s. I called it “the poor’s Mac”, ha ha!

Interestingly, I accidentally found this website that could make my dream come true! I try it at school and found it really cool! It's so useful and interesting! Would you like to give it a try? :D

2011年4月5日 星期二

Some Interesting Commercials

I think that maybe it is because I am a College of Communication student , I search and watch some interesting commercial  on the web very often. Recently, I found some commercials which are really cool and fun, so I’d like to share them here. Hope you  guys also have fun! :D 

I love this commercial very much! It's really amazing and makes me laugh. The whole video is so fluent and the idea that he wants to convey is very clear and successful! Besides, I think the most interesting part is that he uses many famous websites and Software to connect each cut, which is really creative and totally catch my eyes.

This is a cute one. Unlike some car commercials we see usually, this one doesn’t show how fast it could be or how luxury it is. It used a more relaxing and funny way to introduce their products, just like a naughty child.  

I ‘d love to share more but it is shocking that I was late for handing this article out.XD
Hope you enjoy them, too.

2011年3月28日 星期一

WOW!Being a director!

For me, it was a very cool experience to be a director.

In this summer, my department (Journalism) will held a camp(Jour Camp
新聞營) for high school students and I volunteer for video production and photography to publicize our camp.

Honesty speaking, I didn’t know everything about what I have to do in the beginning. This is my first time drawing the Figure storyboard(分鏡圖), being a director, finishing the editing(The work of selecting and joining together shots to create a finished film),including the music and subtitles in the short film by myself. It is truly a kind of challenge for me.

Luckily, there are many people who helped me a lot! First, I asked some freshmen be the actor and actress in this short film and they really did a great job! Second, some of my classmates who have passion for cinematography(電影攝製) offered their technical skills on their own initiative. I am really grateful for their kindness and hard work! Without them, it just can’t be so wonderful!

It took me almost 7days to complete this video, though it was a hard time for me, I still kept trying to have fun! In the end, I think I really enjoy the process and now I ‘m very proud of the finished product!

Finally, I want to tell everybody I met,”Yes, I did it!”

2011年3月22日 星期二

About my blog

I change my topic from "cinema"  to a more bigger one. In the beginning, I wanted to be concentrated on movies because I took an interesting course called "introduction to films" in this semester and I 'd like to practice what I have learned in this blog (I thought that maybe it's a good chance to watch more movies, ha ha!)

 However, I found that what I want to show in this blog will needs lots of pictures and videos which may disobey the copyrights.Therefore, I decide to make my blog  become a more original one.Maybe I"ll share some photos I took or something interesting I saw here. I hope it will be fun.