2011年5月3日 星期二


Today I want to introduce an interesting website called” Thefuntheory”. It has lots of cool ideas which tend to change people’s behavior for better and the most important part is that people who try hard to make the thoughts come true at the same time make things fun. We can see that during their operation, people also be curious about the whole new things and indeed change things that they got used to.

This is my favorite experiment! The whole idea is very clear--the experimenters wanted people to do more stair climbing instead of taking the escalator all the time. Therefore, they made a big piano on the stair just besides the escalator and recorded people's reactions. Interestingly, we can found people love this facility very much. Once they tread on another stair, the” piano” will make different sound! It is interesting, isn’t it?

There are still many fascinating experiment, if you are interested in, just go to their website: http://www.thefuntheory.com/
You won’t be disappointed! :D

1 則留言:

  1. this website is so cool! I don't like to climb stair either, since i live in the fourth floors in the dorm. if the dorm also has this piano, i think i might be glad to climb the stairs everyday.
