2011年4月26日 星期二

Amazing Illustrator:D

Recently, I have done an assignment that is made through “Adobe Illustrator”. (It’s really a cool and helpful Graphic design software!)

The story is about my life in the last semester(991) when I first become a journalist (reporter) in 《大學報》.There were so many things happened to me, some were fun, some were crazy and stupid. Though it was really a hard time for many people (including me), I still be proud of finishing the whole things that we have to do. (like interviewing, writing and editing news videos by ourselves) That’s a very special experience in my life, I think I’ll remember all these memories in my whole life!:D

In the end, I want to share a nice song " Life is wonderful" by Jason Mraz.
He is one of my favorite singer! Hope you enjoy this song:D

4 則留言:

  1. Hi Linda! I want to give you a big hug and a big Hi5.
    It's really cool. As a reporter of international, the furthest place I went to cover is at Tianmu, very near if compare to you. I was quite inspired of other reporters like you who can visit many places. Though it’s tough and costly, but I bet it’ll be the proudest thing in your university life. So do I ^^

  2. wowow!!The graphic is cool!!such a good art work!!
    I also like this song~
    I love every song of his album!!!: )

  3. Reporter is very cool!In your article, I realize that the news we watch everyday is all because reporter's hard work.I think i will try to look newspaper everyday because after reading your blog,news looks pretty fun!

  4. Wow, Illustrator!!!
    It's really cool~ I want to learn it, too.
    I have a lot of interest in design, but I don’t really have such talents…
    By the way, I was a member of school newsletter editor group during my junior high school time. But my job was just to select students' scripts and decide the layout... It seems 《大學報》 is much more interesting! Anyway, I envy you so much!!
